Weight Watch: Monitor Your Weight Efficiently

News: 2011-01-03: New Version (1.3)

The old version used either (the excellent) matplotlib. Unfortunately, it does not work with python 3. So I ported the graphics generation to google chart API. The drawback is that you need an internet connexion in order to generate the graphics and that I am now dependent on google. The good news is that the program is much smaller now.

Google Charts API

Small sample on how to use the 'Google Charts API' to directly generate a .png image without using a browser.

# build the query with template parameters
query ="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chxl=0:__X_LABELS__&chxp=__X_LABELS_POS__&chxr=0,__MIN_TIME__,__MAX_TIME__|1,__MIN_WEIGHT__,__MAX_WEIGHT__&chxs=0,676767,11.5,0,lt,676767|1,676767,11.5,0,lt,676767&chxt=x,y&chs=800x300&cht=lc&chco=3072F3&chds=__MIN_WEIGHT__,__MAX_WEIGHT__&chd=t:__COMMASEP_WEIGHT__&chdl=Weight&chdlp=b&chls=2,4,1&chma=5,5,5,25&chtt=Your+Weight+Timeline"


# relace template with data
query = query.replace('__X_LABELS__', strXLabels)
query = query.replace('__X_LABELS_POS__', strXLabelsPos)
query = query.replace('__MIN_TIME__', str(min(lst_dateEpoch)))
query = query.replace('__MAX_TIME__', str(max(lst_dateEpoch)))


# use 'urllib.request' to download the data & write to file
sock = urllib.request.urlopen(query)
image_bytes = sock.read()

fh = open('Weight_GoogleGraphApi.png', 'wb')


Just unzip the source in a folder and then

python3 pyWeight.py
python3 pyWeight.py --redraw

You will get the following:

How much do you weight now?
./Weight.xml written successfully.

You weight history is saved in a .xml file, mirrored in a .csv file and 'plotted' in a .png file.

This is what the program generates for me:

The screenshot is my actual weight that I have been keeping track with this program since 2007-09-03.


pyWeightWatch v1.3 (google charts API)

pyWeightWatch v1.2 (octave)